


陳寶鋒從自己的兒時回憶 手,回溯過去從「玩」之中學 到的知識和技巧,歸納出玩的不同形式,其後與木工師傅 Woody 共同製作遊戲裝置,散放到社區小店,重新連結人與 人之間失落了的聯繫,並重組正慢慢消失的社區網絡。

"“ Through making the game devices, I have discovered many stories in the community. Hopefully more interactions and relationships can be created after placing them in the local shops.“ Pofung-The artist Chan Pofung re-visits and re-categorises the skills he learnt through “play“ during childhood. Collaborating with the carpentry master Woody, he makes little toys and places them around local shops. With these toys, he hopes to tie us all together and fix the community network that has begun falling apart slowly. "