Chingchun Warehouse


青春工藝主要探索青年人和長者的跨代交流。兩代人不 時聚首一堂,長者朋友回顧舊日的玩意,並把快樂的回 憶轉化為圖像帶給年輕人;年輕人則從中獲得啟發,各 自從不同的路徑發展和創造遊戲,並運用學到的木工技 考,製作他們心目中的樂園,最後把成果結集成書。

chingchun warehouse delves into cross-generational interactions. The old and young get together: as old people reminisce about the play belonging to their time, their memories get handed down to the young. The inspired young in turn use their carpentry skills to create new games of their generation and to assemble their own playground that gets documented in the book.