
Brandon 陳百堅



Brandon is a people person who has the ability to collaborate and influence others. He plays an important role in engaging the community and discovering new "ideas" that connect people and things in the community. He has never been a person who used to seat in the studio. When he walked in the streets, he paused to explore and talk with people of the community. A broader dimension of social creative practice enabled him to enact more freely. In the To Kwa Wan community, he made small wooden animal with children. I saw a lot of animals different from pets normally found in our home. The children created many animals that did not live with them. They imagined stories in the community that composed of different animal characters and situations. It is almost as if a large-scale migration of South African animals to To Kwa Wan. There were various meanings and ways of playing that go beyond Lego and building blocks as each small piece of wood is taken from the community. The stories of the community are like an infinite mirror. It starts from Brandon, then it extends to the fantasy animals of the children, and to the waste materials and characters in reality. It is a “playful" story in itself.

Brandon said: "The creative process is particularly important. It allows me to feel the children's imagination of the street and the community in which they live through ‘play’.” Not only did he bring joy, but he also knew more about the community.